Advancing marine conservation in the European and contiguous seas

Duration: 2016-2020

Funding: EU COST Action CA 15121, e-COST. European Cooperation in Science and Technology. EU RTD Framework Programme & European Science Foundation

Coordinator: Dr. Stelios Katsanevakis

Project websites:

Project summary

The MarCons COST Action CA15121 consolidates a network of scientists and stakeholders who are involved in marine conservation in European and contiguous seas. By advancing the science of integrated conservation planning, promoting regional coordination and transboundary conservation, proposing specific conservation actions, accounting for climatic change and biological invasions, and providing guidance for assessing governance issues to make marine spatially managed areas more effective, this Cost Action bridges the gap between conservation science and policy makers and substantially contributes to the challenge of halting biodiversity loss in the European Seas by 2020.

EII involvement

Ecological modelling, scenario testing, EwE development