December 2019 – workshop “Maritime Spatial Planning”
7 December 2019 – FWRI, St Pteresburg, FL. USA – Jeroen Steenbeek, Harald Warmelink, Magali Gonçalves
The Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) Challenge 2050 is a computer supported simulation-game that gives maritime spatial planners insight in the diverse challenges of sustainable planning of human activities in the marine and coastal ecosystem. The objective of the simulation-game is to significantly contribute to policy learning and international planning practices with regard to integrated (eco-based) Marine Spatial Planning. The game makes players try, experience failure and success, and reflect upon questions such as:
- What are possible futures for the North Sea (2050)?
- What are the long term consequences of short term decisions?
- What are important indicators for the effectiveness of MSP, and how do we monitor them?
- What are the inter-dependencies of sectorial and national policies?
- Where are the significant conflicts and trade-offs among competing economic activities?
- Where and how can economic activities be combined or integrated?
- Where are the cumulative effects of economic activities upon marine ecology?
- Where are the ecologically vulnerable areas, and what can be done to protect them?
During this full-day session, participants assumed the role of planner in a simulated maritime spatial planning session for the North Sea.
Can you and your team meet your planning objectives while achieving Good Environmental Status with a prospering ecosystem? Let’s find out, come and play. For more info, see